vivien renziehausen

Professional Architecture Hotels Yachting Commercial Aerial photography

worldwide Professional photographer

What I can do for you

I provide high-quality Photography & Videography services, including drone and underwater options, dynamic Ready-To-Use Reels and engaging Social Media Content. Choose from one time shoots for specific campaigns, regular photo sessions or even monthly subscriptions for impactful and fresh content.

book shooting

Professional photos increase awareness, occupancy and sales and strengthen your brand identity.

Images create emotions and convey a certain message - your message.
Do you know the feeling when you see a picture and it creates an emotion within you? It might be curiosity, joy, astonishment or it might even be love. When a photo triggered an emotion, you will never forget it.

Photography makes things, places, cultures, customs, buildings and monuments tangible. You may have never been to the Eiffel Tower in Paris but still you know how it looks like, right? Well, you do not need the Eiffel Tower in your garden to attract guests or clients, all you need are powerful photos that stick in people’s heads and create emotions.

Being good at marketing is not about saying the right things so that you get people to like you. Next week nobody will remember a great text or a particularly nice sentence about your offer. It is about connecting with your audience and potential customers on an emotional level and the best way to do that is through powerful images. Successful businesses understand the power of good photography because the customers you attract are a direct reflection of your marketing.


Think about your own experiences as a consumer. How often do you make a quick assumption about a brand or business, after merely a quick glance at their website? No matter if it's a small boutique hotel or a big resort, the images in the catalogue, on the website or on social media are crucial to the success of the hotel.

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An exhilarating journey where emotion and artistry meet in the captivating world of yacht photography. Yacht photography is more than just documenting luxury ships; it is a form of art that captures the essence of opulence, elegance and the boundless freedom of the open sea.

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Commercial spaces such as shops, office buildings or public buildings require a representation that sums up their respective purpose and use. Commercial photography is intended to increase awareness and thus sales, so it is essential that positive emotions are generated and that the viewer feels comfortable.

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Drone photography offers a unique perspective that traditional photography cannot achieve and makes you stand out from the crowd. This visual differentiation not only attracts attention, but also creates a special impression that strengthens the emotional connection of potential customers.

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meet Vivien

Originally from Germany I now live partly on Mykonos, Greece, and work in different projects worldwide. My expertise lies in yacht and architecture photography for hotels, architects, designers and commercial spaces as well as water sports photography which provides unique perspectives especially for yacht owners and companies.

I love revealing the soul and essence of a building or room and show it in the context of its surroundings, visually reflecting its unique atmosphere. My work combines art and technical precision and goes beyond the ordinary.In combination with drone and underwater photos and videos I can show special angles and perspectives that would otherwise have remained hidden.

Especially yacht & boat photography ist more than just a documentation of luxurious ships for me; it is an art form that captures the essence of opulence, elegance and the limitless freedom of the open sea. With my eye for symmetry and light, I find shapes, curves and lines that inspire me almost everywhere. Not only do I have a very good technical understanding, but also a good eye for details and unusual perspectives.

Brands I work with

Google Reviews

What my work
Stands For

My eye, your project

Buildings, interiors, details: I find the best perspective. Even under water or from the air.

Top Equipment

High quality lenses, camera and equipment guarantee unique high-end shots


Special lighting conditions & aperture effects plus an uncomplicated and cheerful photographer ensure top results.

Your location

Mykonos, Bremen or worldwide: I am where you need me!


Professional image processing and retouching: with me you get everything out of one hand.

Transparent & fair

Top advice, transparent prices and fair cooperation are a matter of course for me.

Are you looking for a photographer? Let's get in touch!

COntact information

phone number

+49 172 4059389



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